Date of birth : March 20, 1974.
Address : Fukuoka Japan.
Company : Nagano Syouten creative.
Occupation : Singer Songwriter, Desiginer / Sound, Web, Graphic, Motion Graphic.
Tetsu Shirahashi had a broadcasting station audition in Fukuoka, and he got through to the second stage. At the same time, in 1994, his song was being played on Takahiro Matsumoto's FM radio show and Matsumoto admired the quality of his songs. He had an audition at Nippon Cultural Broadcasting the next year, and he got through to the final stage out of 2,000 people. Later he had Desk Top Music and voice training at a music school, and he wrote the theme songs of a nationwide event. In 2002 he planned a live event, "The Phenomenal Live Show vol.2 : A Little Positivism", which was merged a live show with fictional FM radio program live on. He performed at the Fukuoka Dome as a backup keyboardist in some musical group in 2003. He quit performing live after "live Live Bride," which he planned and produced on Blue Note Fukuoka 2004. After that he has focused on his sound works to the present date. In 2006 the DVD "photologue scenes" which he produced, edit, designed and featured Yukie Nishimura, was released. In addition, he organized his team into three categories - music, design, and movies. They're the main works of Nagano Syouten Creative, and he's expanding his network worldwide on the basis of "Act Local, Think Global," which is the slogan for Nagano Syouten Creative. He restarted performing live with his musical team at Jazz Inn New Combo (Fukuoka), an old jazz house, on 18th April 2015.
1994年に地元福岡の放送局主催のオーディションにて二次選考まで残り、松本孝弘氏(B'z)のFMラジオ番組にてその曲がオンエアされクオリティを絶賛される。翌年の1995年には文化放送主催オーディションにて最終選考(2 組/2000 組)まで勝ち進む。ボイストレーニング、DTMなどの基礎を学びながら全国規模のイベントのテーマソングなどを手掛けて、2002年に架空FM 番組とライブを融合した「The phenomenal live show vol.2" a little positivism」を企画、構成、製作、演出、出演。2003年にユニットのサポートキーボーディストとして福岡ドームにてライブ。2004年ブルーノート福岡で行われた「Live "Bride"」を企画・製作・出演を最後にライブ活動をやめ、その後自分自身の作品の制作のみに専念し、2006年自身により映像編集・音楽・デザインを担当し、ピアニスト西村 由紀江氏のピアノ曲をもフューチャーした DVD "photologue scenes" 発売。永野商店クリエイティブの主要である音楽・デザイン・映像の3分野においてチームつくりを行い、"Act Local, Think Global"という永野商店クリエイティブのキーワードのもと福岡を始め海外にもネットワークを広げ、2015年4月18日より永野商店クリエイティブの音楽制作チームとともにジャズの老舗であるJazz Inn New Comboを皮切りにライブシーンに期間限定でノンジャンルなライブ活動を再開した。
Tetsu Shirahashi established "Nagano Syouten creative" in 2003. He was involved in activities that helped to define the meaning of "expression" among sound, design and film. He won through to the final selection in the Marvel Japan agency web design competition in 2006. One of his clients reached No.1 on the hit chart and was a million seller from 2008 after his site was renewed. After that Tetsu did a lot of web design and worked as a system architect in CMS at a major restaurant (Fukuoka), a major publishing company (Tokyo), a public community (Tokyo), major company and a major jazz club (Tokyo), although he lives and acts locally in Fukuoka. Recently, he actively took part in the renewal of a web design presentation for a major fashion magazine, and he designed a campaign site for a global beer company.
2003年に『永野商店クリエイティブ』 を設立。 音・Design・映像を「表現」という枠を大きく捉えた活動期に入る。その中のWEB事業では2006年アメリカ大手コミック会社の日本代理店によるサイトデザインコンペ最終選考2組に残こる。クライアントの一人が2008年からミリオンセラーやオリコンチャート一位などを確立。その後、福岡の大手レスランチェーン、東京の大手出版社、公共施設、大手グローバルジャズクラブ等様々なWEB SITEのデザイン、CMS構築を手掛け実績を積んでいる。近年では大手ファッション雑誌のリニューアルプレゼンなどにも積極的に参加し、グローバルビール企業のキャンペーンサイト製作などもあり、Design 分野でもチームつくりなども行っている。